John G. Cottone, PhD

The Tao Te Ching
by Lao Tzu
Passages Selected and Translated by Benjamin Hoff's book:
"The Way to Life: At the Heart of the Tao Te Ching"
Tao Ching
the way that can be defined to death is not the way to life.
the road that can be measured is not the endless road.
from nothing, the infinite universe began.
from no number, its countless things appeared.
from no name, their limitless source will be known.
looking out its effects are seen;
looking in, their cause is discovered.
with words, these are considered separate;
with vision, they are recognized as one.
to heaven, the 10,000 things are ceremonial straw figures,
each made for a purpose, honored, then thrown away.
to the wise, the people seem the same;
being born, living, dying, all appear, performing their parts, then vanish.
in either case, the TAO within is not what is created,
the TAO within is not what is destroyed.
unborn, undying, it gives life to heaven and earth.
as things of straw stand for those behind them,
so things of the world represent the WAY.
the gateway to the highest understanding will be found in the lowest valley.
from stillness, the most enduring actions will be born.
within its mystery, the clearest answers will arise.
although it may appear empty, it will never be exhausted.
the spirit of the valley creates life without end.
heaven and earth are ageless.
they constantly change, they grow, they escape confining limitations.
following their example, the wise go beyond themselves.
receding, they are advanced.
being detached from their own images, they are united with all.
forgetting fame, they are remembered.
water effortlessly nourishes 10,000 things.
it flows to places that the proud and analytical ignore.
it is like the TAO.
as the rivers run, those of TAO concern themselves with what is useful & efficient.
their thoughts are strong and deep,
their relations flexible,
their words reflect the truth.
their power is balanced & beneficial,
their skills acquired through experience,
their actions are well timed.
wherever they are, they are home.
rocks are hard and unyielding;
the rivers flow around them and forget.
wood forms the wheel’s hub; the space within makes it useful.
clay shapes the pitcher; the space within makes it useful.
walls define the room; windows, doors, and the space within make it useful.
appearance comes from what is there; value comes from what is not.
sensationalism will wear you down.
the five colors blind the eye.
the five sounds deafen the ear.
the five flavors deaden the appetite.
chasing and killing destroy the heart.
precious possessions cripple one’s mastery; they end up owning their owners.
the wise are guided by what they know to be true,
not manipulated by what they are told.
this is common sense.
using common sense, they refuse to be misled,
refusing to be misled, they avoid being trapped.
disgrace or honor - which is worse?
since both upset the balance of the world, the wise see both as unnatural.
they know that whatever is raised too high will later fall;
that whatever is held down against its nature will later rise without restraint.
honor brings conceit,
conceit causes mistakes,
mistakes lead to disgrace.
being unconcerned with honor and disgrace,
you will bring no misfortune upon yourself.
when you see the world as part of yourself, you will take care of it.
when you see yourself as part of the world, you will be taken care of.
from ancient times,
the masters of life have been silent and sensible, separate and serene.
although we cannot see their inner power, we can observe its effect.
we can describe their appearance.
they watch, like men who know danger,
constantly alert, as when crossing a stream in the middle of winter,
considerate as visiting guests.
they yield, resembling melting ice;
they become simple, appearing as uncarved blocks of wood;
they recede, like deep water in dark caves.
if a man cannot wait, he cannot know the right time to move.
if he cannot be still, his actions will have gathered no power.
stir muddy water, and it will stay cloudy.
leave it alone, and it will become clear.
let the stream flow, and it will find its way.
stop chasing contentment, and it will come to you.
the 10,000 things have their beginning in absolute emptiness, complete quiet.
energetically growing, restlessly changing,
all complete themselves by returning to stillness.
the wise see the action and its foundation;
the foolish see only the changes.
from a quiet mind comes vision;
from vision comes knowledge of unity;
from knowledge of unity comes compassion for all.
from compassion comes greatness,
from greatness comes TAO.
from TAO comes life without end.
with rulers,
the worst are hated,
the bad are feared,
the good are praised,
the best are not noticed.
a great leader takes no credit for his work.
when his actions are successful, his followers celebrate their victory.
when those in power do not follow TAO, the people do not follow them.
when deceit begins, honesty is discovered.
when weakness develops, strength is recognized.
when arrogance increases, respect is appreciated.
when cruelty becomes common, kindness is admired.
when treachery is everywhere, loyalty is rewarded.
a nation of heroes is a nation in trouble.
forget knowledge, and you will remember everything you need to know.
forget sainthood, and others will be remembered and helped.
forget the rules of duty and respect, and you will remember how to love.
forget locks and vaults, and you will remember security and happiness.
let others burden themselves with the weight of unnecessary things;
notice how they struggle as time goes by.
become concerned with complexity, and you will lose sight of simplicity.
you will have too much to remember, and too much to forget.
"maybe" and "perhaps" appear different, but in reality are not,
any more than 10,000 other fine distinctions,
categories within categories, little boxes that hold nothing.
why fear what others fear?
why be misled by secondhand visions?
leaders and followers are players in a game, moving in circles.
others seem contented and amused,
enjoying the feast, visiting the park,
climbing the terrace in the spring.
i appear aimless and alone - a child who has not learned to smile.
others have more wealth than they can manage;
i have nothing considered to be of value.
others have immediate answers;
i don’t even have clear questions.
others rush to gain knowledge of the latest matters;
i appear ignorant and out of step,
advised by the withdrawing tide, guided by the changing wind.
others know more than i will ever know,
have more than i will ever have,
except for one thing.
the harshest storm can continue for only a little while.
if the power of heaven and earth cannot make such activity last for long, how can you?
to find TAO, follow TAO.
to find truth, live the truth.
to find peace, learn to lose.
a violent man will not die peacefully.
before heaven and earth were known,
in the silent center of the whirling winds of change,
something invisible appeared.
without motion, it produced unceasing activity.
without voice, it created countless sounds.
without form, it gave birth to 10,000 things.
it is timeless and immediate, the door within the darkness,
the path to understanding.
it has no name;
call it TAO, the WAY to life.
like a river, it flows beyond vision.
like a river, it remains ever present.
the wise work with the ways of the earth.
the earth works with the ways of heaven.
heaven works with the WAY.
Tao works with what is natural.
that which has weight supports that which has little weight.
that which is calm sustains that which rushes around.
the unmoving leg of the compass makes the perfect circle possible.
the entire world works this way.
on a journey through unknown territory,
if you lose track of your food and supplies, you will soon be unable to move.
the leader of an army of thousands knows this;
so does the man of TAO,
moving through stability, rising through gravity.
when a master gardener shapes a tree,
it seems to change without assistance;
no obvious cuts can be seen.
when a master carpenter joins wood,
two pieces become one; no gaps are visible.
a good speaker does not make one think of oratory;
a good writer does not draw attention to his words.
a good swimmer makes few ripples;
a good walker leaves no tracks.
the highest skill is hardly noticed because it shows no trace of effort.
so it is with TAO.
develop a man’s strength,
but learn a woman’s gentleness.
attract without struggle;
become like a river of the world.
like the river, return to the source.
leave your egotistical ideas behind;
become a child again.
understand the energy of light, but know the protection of the shadow.
teach the truth by living;
become a mirror of the ways of heaven.
as the mirror shines, reflecting light as well as darkness, show that life depends on both.
achieve the highest, but appear the lowest.
attain humility;
become the valley of the universe.
all things are brought to the valley;
all things come to those who open themselves.
when material is shaped to fill a narrow function, it can be used as a tool.
build the foundation for independence.
become the uncarved block.
the world is continually changing, yet constantly perfect;
it cannot be improved with your small efforts.
with larger efforts, it can be destroyed.
the earth is a sacred vessel of spider webs and the wings of butterflies.
if you try to use it, you will crush it.
if you try to change it, it will shatter.
if you let it go, it will remain useful.
if you leave it alone, it will change for you.
try to possess it, and it will slip from your grasp.
force yourself ahead, and you will later be left behind.
take more than your share, and you will later have less than enough.
overexert yourself, and you will later become weak.
too hard, you are easily pushed over;
too soft, you cannot stand.
resistance follows force.
thorns and weeds follow a passing army.
years of misery follow victory in battle.
struggling against TAO produces unnecessary loss of energy.
if you gain something and then brag about it, you will not have it very long.
weapons are instruments of evil;
followers of TAO avoid them.
those who value peace do not honor killing.
those who do, oppose the laws of heaven, earth and man.
weapons are instruments of fear; the great-hearted do not use them.
when many men are killed in battle, who can speak of celebration?
destroying life is cause for sadness.
conduct your victory like a funeral.
TAO is essentially simple,
but because it is unlimited, it cannot be captured.
if rulers could make use of it, 10,000 things would be under their command.
heaven and earth would work for them as easily as rain falls from a cloudy sky.
the use of force would be forgotten; everything could take its natural place.
the unchanging center cannot be defined.
when its actions are seen,
they are given names, divisions are made, and understanding becomes fragmented.
when labels are removed, what is underneath regains its dignity.
TAO contains the nameless and the named, the formless and the formed,
just as all the streams and rivers flow into the sea.
understanding the outer is knowledge;
understanding the inner is wisdom.
control of others shows influence;
control of the self reveals mastery.
effort requires possessions;
contentment produces wealth.
behind the order of 10,000 things is no age, no death.
the TAO flows everywhere, creating, inspecting, remaining silent and unknown.
it rejects nothing, possesses nothing, encourages but does not dominate.
being quiet, uncritical, nonpossessive, it does not sign its name.
it is hardly recognized by anyone.
it is too small to see.
secretly, unconsciously, without resistance, the 10,000 things return to it.
it is too large to understand.
when you find the TAO, others will find you.
passing by on the road, they will be drawn to your door.
the TAO that cannot be heard will be echoed in your voice.
the TAO that cannot be seen will be reflected in your eyes.
though they may not know the source,
they will recognize happiness and peace.
sweet music and highly seasoned food entertain for a while,
but the clear, tasteless water from the well gives life and energy without exhaustion.
from the action of opposites comes the order of 10,000 things.
to lift a heavy object, first push down on it.
to fill a container, first empty it.
to have something return to you, first let it go.
to receive, first give.
to become wise, first be a fool.
gentleness is not weak, forcefulness is not strong.
break attachment to halves, and you will be whole.
when a nation is governed with TAO,
goodness is common, spontaneous, unaware of itself.
when the TAO fades from view, cleverness appears.
when cleverness declines, ritual is formed.
when ritual is neglected, regulations arise.
when regulations deteriorate, force begins.
from force comes disorder and death.
Te Ching
TAO moves by returning,
overcomes by attracting.
this gives its actions weight and power;
no force can last against them.
movement from stillness,
existence from emptiness - from absolute nothing comes everything
when shown the way, the strong watch and work with it,
the weak think about it,
the nearsighted laugh at it.
whenever it is laughed at, it becomes "mysterious" and "dark."
to those who have trouble seeing,
the easy appears to be difficult,
simplicity appears to be complex,
wisdom appears to be foolish,
endurance appears to be weak,
great accomplishments appear to be small,
real beauty appears to be plain,
the temporary appears to be eternal.
from TAO came unity.
from this one thing came the dark and the light.
from these two things came energy, form, and substance.
from these three things came 10,000 more.
the 10,000 form the three,
the three form the two,
the two form the one.
if you destroy unity, you destroy yourself.
the gentlest force will conquer the most resisting force;
it is only a matter of time.
that which has no destiny can pass through limitations;
it is only a matter of space.
time and space work with those who work with TAO.
those who can teach without words
will not be disputed with by those who hear only words.
those who can achieve without effort
will not be opposed by those who see only effort.
the wise become silent and invisible.
being silent and invisible, they are not interfered with.
your name or your self - which is of more value to you?
your possessions or your life - which will be harder to replace?
become attached to fame, and you will soon be separated from your true identity.
gain too many things, and you will lose awareness of your own existence.
which way will you choose?
difficult choices are easily made in matters of life or death.
today is a matter of life or death.
there are many ways to die;
there is only one way to live.
knowing when to stop will help you to begin.
when the people work with TAO,
horses haul fertilizer through the fields, and there is food.
when the people work against TAO,
horses are trained for war, and there is starvation.
those who take everything for themselves give trouble to everyone.
those who envy the fortunes of others create misfortune for themselves.
those who develop their original wealth bring riches wherever they go.
without traveling to foreign lands, you can learn the way the world is made.
without stepping on stars, you can see how they are arranged.
the farther you go in search of an answer, the less you will understand.
stop leaving, and you will arrive.
stop searching, and you will see.
stop running away, and you will be found.
along the way to knowledge, many things are accumulated.
along the way to wisdom, many things are discarded.
less and less effort is used, until things arrange themselves.
harmonious action maintains control;
exertion upsets the balance.
the way is easy, but crooked paths are popular.
when the fields are exhausted and the granaries are empty,
the palaces are full and the occupants fat and lazy.
their fine clothes and sharp swords only emphasize the fact they are robbers.
what is sensible behavior?
walk the main road; avoid danger.
he who has TAO has no fear, causes no harm, displays no strength.
since he has no fear within him, those who feed on fear are not attracted to him.
since he causes no harm, no harm can return to him.
since he displays no strength, none can estimate his power.
achieve balance, and you will achieve anything.
rush to accomplish something, and you will upset the plan.
hold your breath, and you will be forced to gasp for air.
use too much energy, and you will reach exhaustion,
but will miss the TAO.
whatever works against natural laws will not last long.
laws may govern a state, and strategies may win wars.
but empires are kept alive the longest by doing what is required to rule,
and no more.
taxes are passed, "to benefit the people."
the more taxes there are, the more poverty increases.
weapons are accumulated, "to protect the people."
the more weapons there are, the more threats and danger.
clever officials are appointed, "to serve the people."
the more clever they are, the more confusion rules the land.
regulations are written, "to guide the people."
the more regulations, the more robbery and lying.
without taxes, there is wealth.
without weapons, there is peace.
without cleverness, there is order.
without regulations, there is honesty.
as interfering help is given, ability and confidence are taken away.
throughout the universe, no treasure can compare with TAO.
it provides help and encouragement to those of moral strength,
and gives those trapped by evil a chance to free themselves.
good words win honor in the eyes of men,
but good deeds win the TAO.
abandoning the misguided without helping them to change their fate
will take you far from the TAO.
on the day the emperor is crowned, and the officers of state installed,
when others hurry forward with gifts of jade and dancing horses,
remain behind and send TAO.
if you want to achieve greatness,
you will need to master the small deed that it is made of.
if you want to understand complexity,
you will need to see the simple things that it contains.
then the great will be small, the complex will be simple,
effort will vanish, and all things will arrange themselves in order.
the wise see no problem as big.
the wise see no problem as small.
they do not underestimate their responsibilities.
they are not misled by appearances.
they make no promises.
those who underestimate their responsibilities overburden their abilities.
those who are misled by appearances mislead others and make matters worse.
those who make easy promises encounter difficulties.
darkness starts with a shadow;
great confusion develops from a little disorder.
a tree as wide as a man’s reach begins with a small seed.
a terrace one hundred feet high begins with a shovel-full of earth.
a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
whether something is successful or tragic depends upon how it ends.
everyone knows this.
how something will end can be determined by how it begins.
very few know this.
if attention is given to the beginning, there will be no tragedy.
if care is given to the ending, there will be no failure.
many say that following TAO is the way of a fool.
if it were not the way of the a fool, it would not be so simple.
if it were the way of the learned, it would have vanished long ago,
buried under rules and definitions.
those known as fools may lack knowledge, but knowledge is not wisdom.
even the ignorant can understand this,
yet those of learning do not.
followers of TAO have three treasures; to care, to live moderately, to value humility.
if you care, you will be unafraid.
if you live moderately, you will always have enough.
if you value humility, you can grow and become greater than you are.
many try to be bold without caring,
to own riches without moderation,
to have greatness without humility.
they are on their way to death.
those who care will be cared for.
the way is so simple that complicated minds cannot see it;
since they know so much, they know too little.
because the TAO is constant & eternal, it is ignored;
if it were only a passing style, many would immediately try it.
the easily manipulated admire strange words and odd behavior;
the secret of the TAO is found in the smallest detail of the ordinary day.
worthless glitter is quickly seen;
the most valuable jade is noticed last.
those who are unafraid to say they do not know become wise.
those who insist they know never learn.
those who pay attention to their weaknesses gain strength.
those who neglect their strength become weak.
wisdom and strength come from the courage to see things as they are.
which is greater - passion or compassion?
it takes courage to face death;
it takes more courage to face life.
it takes strength to kill;
it takes more strength to protect.
this is simple and obvious,
but even the highest in the land have trouble seeing it.
although you may not be able to forgive those who do wrong,
the ways of heaven are merciful.
although you may wink your eye at those who cause evil,
the eyes of heaven never close.
the TAO of heaven does not speak, yet it responds;
does not move, yet it is everywhere;
does not call, yet everything returns to it in time.
its net has wide meshes, but nothing slips through.
when immature apprentices take a master craftsman’s place,
respect for merchandise declines;
articles can be destroyed without regret.
when revengeful rulers take the universal governor’s place,
respect for life declines;
execution of criminals has no effect.
if people do not value life,
how can they be controlled with threats of death?
use the master’s knife, and sooner or later, you will cut yourself.
inflexible fighters lose in battle;
unbending trees fall in the storm.
life grows and changes; death remains rigid.
when a plant is dead at its center, it resists the wind and is easily broken in two.
hard, demanding, dead in your heart,
you invite the natural forces to finish the process.
proud, unyielding, dead in your mind,
you will be snapped when the wind changes direction.
water is the softest thing on earth,
yet its silken gentleness will easily wear away the hardest stone.
everyone knows this; few use it in their daily lives.
those of TAO yield and overcome.
to show fitness for ruling others, take their welfare upon your shoulders.
to have the strength to guide others, practice carrying their difficulties on your back.
accept responsibility, and power will be given to you.
taller trees grow from lower ground.
the real is not glamorous;
glamour is not real.
honesty does not persuade;
persuasions are not honest.
wisdom knows what cannot be told;
foolishness tells without knowing.
the more you give away, the more you will gain.
when you discard the false, you will have room for the true.
yield to others, and they will yield to you.
a sharp knife does not tear; the WAY to life opens without effort.