John G. Cottone, PhD


John G. Cottone, PhD
Mind Cube 3D is a blog and a YouTube channel I created for elevated discussion of meaningful topics. Articles and videos involve explorations into psychology, current events, holistic health, spirituality and philosophy.
Why the name "Mind Cube 3D"? The digital world of our rectangular screens flattens our three-dimensional existence into two-dimensions. When this happens, valuable information is lost that would creates important context and understanding to any issue. To illustrate this point, a cube is an object that has 6 sides, however, from any single perspective, the most number of sides you can see is three - only half! Mind Cube 3D aims to present issues from multiple perspectives (or, perspectives that seem to be absent from the common experience) to help you better understand your life and the world around you.
Mind Cube 3D is a companion to the official blog of Dr. John G. Cottone at Psychology Today.
Dr. Cottone is a clinical psychologist in private practice in Stony Brook, NY. He has authored numerous peer-reviewed research publications – including articles and book chapters on psychotherapy outcome, executive functioning, schizophrenia, and Kohlbergian moral reasoning – and has had vocational and avocational contributions to The New York Times, and The Washington Post.
He is the co-host of the The Gesher Session: A Podcast on the Psychology of Religious Belief and Experience and has also written three books, including:
* Goodnight Monarch: A Story for Children About Reincarnation and the Game of Life
* Who Are You? Essential Questions for Hitchhikers on the Road of Truth
A book of Socratic-style essays on psychological and spiritual topics.
* Z-score: How a Statistic Used in Psychology Will Revolutionize Baseball
A book which details the benefits of applying standardized scores to baseball statistics for more accurate historical comparisons.
Information about these books is available on the "Books" page of this site, which you can access from the tab above, or by clicking HERE: