John G. Cottone, PhD

A Story for Children About Reincarnation and the Game of Life
John G. Cottone
2022 - MindCube Publishing / Story Bridge Books

What happens to people when they die? It's an uncomfortable question, even for adults, but for children it can be downright frightening, especially when parents don't have an answer for them. Goodnight Monarch is an uplifting story with insights to consider - for children and parents - based on the teachings of various Eastern religions.
Originally written for interfaith families, and those who consider themselves "spiritual but not religious," Goodnight Monarch combines teachings from Hinduism, Buddhism, and Taoism with examples from science and nature, including the lifecycle of the Monarch butterfly, to satisfy children's curiosities and anxieties about death. Meditation is also discussed in the story, and instructions for meditation are provided in the appendix.
Editorial Reviews
"An intellectually rich yet down-to-earth introduction to Eastern religious and philosophical beliefs."
[Cottone's] straightforward prose manages to convey abstruse ideas in evocative terms, whether discussing spiritual metaphysics... or the confusing mental churn they cause. Hoffman's colorful drawings illustrate the luminous story. Kids who are curious about these doctrines will find the book an entertaining, easily digestible guide."
- Kirkus Reviews