John G. Cottone, PhD

The PDF below is an excerpt from Z-score: How a Statistic Used in Psychology Will Revolutionize Baseball that explains what a z-score actually is.
Have you ever wondered how the feats of today’s baseball stars – playing in an era of rampant steroid use, smaller ballparks and “juiced” baseballs – compare with those of Babe Ruth, Roger Maris and other old-time greats? Z-score: How a Statistic Used in Psychology Will Revolutionize Baseball presents a game-changing approach for comparing the greatest achievements in baseball history using a statistic common to psychological testing: the z-score. Written by Dr. John G. Cottone, a clinical psychologist and researcher with a long history of peer-reviewed research publications, and Jason Wirchin, a TV news producer and baseball enthusiast, Z-score provides analyses and insight that will fascinate old school baseball fans and new wave sabermetricians alike.
Click here to order a hard copy.
Talking "Z-Score" with Chris Mad Dog Russo